Fighter Club Members
Name: Annasfire
Site Name: Anna’s Corral
Team(s) You’re on: Spirits Of The Wind
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: None
State/Country: California/USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I was born in 1959 in Southern California. I love the outdoors, planting, walking through the Giant Redwoods, and beautiful streams and rivers. I have owned trained Team pen, shown and just plain love horses for 37 years. I have 4 dogs, a cottontail bunny, 2 new baby finches, fish, 2 Pygmy goats, an American Miniature horse, a Paint Quarter horse, Big Quarter horse, and an Egyptian Arabian. I have been married for many years to a wonderful man. : ) He puts up and helps with all the fur babies..LOL! Now with all that, how can you not love life! I also love the feel of and healing powers of special crystals. I love Tagging, I dont have PSP, but Adobe Photo shop does wonders….LOL! And I have fun with the Web Comp at MR’s!
Name: Carrie (aka Angel Grace)
Site Name: The Celtic Path
Team(s) You’re on: Spirits Of The Wind
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: SOTW Newsletter Asst.
State/Country: California/USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: Born and raised in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts, now have transplanted myself to northern California.Happily married to my husband Gerald for 4 years now. Two pets, Oskar and Ivan. Both black cats. Owner/Webmaster/Administrator/Author of/for 8 international websites. I enjoy avid reading, classical music, sciences of all kinds, metaphysical and holistic programs and graphic art. When not busy working, hubby and I enjoy long walks on the beach….especially right after the storms when the air is crisp, clean… almost elemental. Favorite Saying: “Forever trust in who you are, cause nothing else matters”.
Name: Dana
Site Name: Path of My Heart & Realm in The Myst
Team(s) You’re on: Spirits of the Wind
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: Co-Owner, Team Leader for Spirits of the Wind, Head Mystickal Mentor and Head Ranger
State/Country: Wisconsin, USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I was born in 1965 and am happily married to my husband, Bob, for almost 10 years now. We have 4 “furry” children that consist of 1 dog and 3 cats, two of which have Special Needs such as Diabetes and Hypothroidism. When not reading on various metaphysical topics I enjoy playing with my Paint Shop Pro, yapping with friends, getting outside on nice days, going to local Renaissance Faire when in season, snagging and sharing graphics in groups, and surfing the internet. I am a Reiki Master and a 1st Level Initiate of Wolfen Wicca. I work in the Accounting Department at Wal-Mart and graduated with a degree in Public Relations from the UW-Whitewater.
Name: DarkMuse/Ranger D’Muse
Site Name: Tagged by DarkMuse
Team(s) You’re on: Gothic Chamber
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: Ranger, Sanctioner
State/Country: England
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I am a goth on the inside and a skate punk on the outside.In my CD collection you will find Marilyn Manson, Linkin Park, Korn, Eminem, Sean Paul, Staind, Papa Roach and Evanescence. I collect Japanese horror,vampire and anime DVDs. I am a Support worker caring for adults with learning disabilities(mental handicaps)and physical handicaps. I work in a residential setting. I love my job. I have a 13 year old son, Conor, a partner of 7 years, Eddy, and 4 feline furbabies-NikNak, Paddiwak, Doggie and Benji. I do not drink alcohol and do not like to be around drunk people. My hero is the Dalai Lama. I am reading books on Buddhism and try to integrate the Buddhist ideals as much as possible in my every day life. That’s about all.
Name: Becky (aka: DynamisImmortal)
Site Name: Welcome to My Den
Team(s) You’re on: Spirits of the Wind
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: None
State/Country: North Carolina, USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I’ve just acquired PSP 8 and I love it, but I’m just beginning to figure out its quirks. With it, I enjoy making siggies for my MSN group and web graphics (though I’m just experimenting with the those). Other than that, I’m a book fiend and a history fanatic.
Name: Demonosia
Site Name: Demonosia’s Sanctuary
Team(s) You’re on: Gothic Chamber
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: Welcome Wizard, Ranger, Mystickal Fae
State/Country: Pennsylvania/USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I’m a writer, poet, artist and a mom. I love to read, my favorites being Laurell K Hamilton and JD Rob and Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love anything horror. I love trivia games. I love being a mom.
Name: Dixie
Site Name: Proud Blood
Team(s) You’re on: Spirits Of The Wind
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: None
State/Country: Tennessee,USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I love the comps. I like reading the pages and signing guestbooks. I am very family-orientated and love them above all!
Name: Gidget Moon
Site Name: Gidget’s Moon
Team(s): Witches Circle
Staff position: Sanctioner
State/Country: Ohio/USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I am a divorced mom of a beautiful 4 year little girl and I love learning as much as I can about everything!
Name: Lady Camille
Site Name: Lady Camille’s Mystic Moon
Team(s) You’re on: Witches Circle
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: N/A
State/Country: TX/USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I love everything Witchy! My personal Deity is Isis so you can find “hidden” egyptian treasures throughout my home. From my Witch’s Garden, Book of Shadows, and my personal altar I have discovered that living life day to day is the best path for me and rejoicing with my new found “family” is the icing on the cake.
Name: Mirage
Site Name: Globetopia
Team(s) You’re on: Spirits of the Wind
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: None
State/Country: New Jersey, USA
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I’m a PSP and Adobe Photoshop and Globe addict and love making things for my webbuddies.
Name: Willow
Site Name: Gaia’sChild
Team(s) You’re on: Witches Circle
Staff Positions held at Mystickal Realms: None
State/Country: Missouri/U.S.A.
Any other personal information you wish other members to know about you: I love being in the comps too…meeting all the wonderful people in them. I have never met a friendlier bunch of folks in my life!
Welcome to Mystickal Realms Fighter’s Club
For those who are members of the Mystickal Realms Website Competition and have joined
the Mystickal Realms Fighters Club, this is YOUR place!