Team Leader


Enter the Hall of Ma’ati and be prepared to
take a journey as you have never before!
Are you interested in the days of old?
Do you prefer studying ancient civilizations or exploring undicovered territories, cultures and space?
If you have a site that is about:
Egyptian Animals (also represents the Egyptian Gods):
Cats, Dogs, Beetles/Scarabs, Jackals, Cattle, Hawks, Falcons, Mongoose, Snakes, Crocodiles, Hippos, Locusts, Frogs, Toads, Babi (Baboon), Ibises, Rams,
Shrews, Fishes, Gazelles, Lions, Goats, Pigs, Ducks, Geese, Donkeys, Camels, Llamas, etc
Ancient Lore:
Gods & Goddesses, Archeology and Mythology
World History, Cultures & Civilizations:
All Continents including Egypt, Greece, Rome, Atlantis, China, Europe, Mayan & Incan, etc
US History:
To Include Military, Notable Eras, Inventions, Colonization, Americana, Art & Literature, Presidents, Wild West, Civil War
Space Exploration:
US and Other
Action, Adventure, Fan Sites:
Star Gate, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Tomb Raider, Hercules, Xena the Warrior Princess, Star Trek, Babylon 5,
Battle Star Galactica, Scorpion King, The Mummy, Dune, etc
Cartoon Fan Sites:
Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Fullmetal Alchemist, Saiyuki Reload, Aladdin, Emperor’s New Groove etc.
World of Super Heroes:
X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Hulk, Spiderman, Superman, Batman, etc.
Computer/RP Games:
Such as Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Mummy: the Resurrection, Pitfall, Jubei-Chan, etc
Then Hall of Ma’ati would have been the Team for YOU!!
Our team is made up of four levels
The Old Kingdom
Qualifying/First Level
The Hall 0f Two Truths
Second Level
Hallowed Lands
Third Level
Fourth Level
Once you have gone through these levels you then move on to the Championship Rounds
On all levels you must vote 4 days in order to advance to the next level.
Vote 3 days to stay at your current level (except champ rounds, where you will be returned to the first level).