Team Leader


Enter the Forgotten Kingdoms and be prepared to
battle as you have never battled before!
Are you interested in the days of old, the days that could have been,
the days that may have been?
Are you captivated by ancient civilizations, kingdoms, empires or exploring the unknown, the possibilities, cultures, wars, battles, space?
Are you fascinated by alternate realities?
If you have a site about:
Ancient Times:
Gods & Goddesses, Archeology and Mythology, Alternate Reality, etc
World History, Cultures & Civilizations:
All Continents including Egypt, Greece, Rome, Asia, Europe, Mayan & Incan, Alternate Reality, etc
US History:
To Include Military, Notable Eras, Inventions, Colonization, Americana, Art & Literature, Presidents, Wild West, Civil War, Alternate Reality, etc
Space Exploration:
US, Alternate Reality, Others
Animals (can also represent the Gods):
Cats, Dogs, Beetles/Scarabs, Jackals, Cattle, Hawks, Falcons, Mongoose, Snakes, Crocodiles, Hippos, Locusts, Frogs, Toads, Babi (Baboon), Ibises, Rams,
Shrews, Fishes, Gazelles, Lions, Goats, Pigs, Ducks, Geese, Donkeys, Camels, Llamas, Dragons, Unicorn, Pegesus, etc
Elves, Fairies, Fae, Dragons, Hobbits, Unicorns, Pegesus, Trolls, Orcs, Ogre, Elven Wars, Lord of the Rings, Steampunk, Game of Thrones, Pillars of the Earth,
Robin Hood, Conan, Sinbad, Alternate Reality, etc
Action & Adventure:
Star Gate, Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, Hercules, Xena, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Battle Star Galactica, Scorpion King, The Mummy, Dune, Heroes, Sliders, Fringe,
Adventures of Brsco County Jr., Jack of All Trades, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Rome, Deadwood, Alternate Reality, etc
Science Fiction:
Defiance, Sanctuary, Farscape, Firefly, Red Dwarf, Andromeda, Lexx, Earth – Final Conflict, Prime Eval, 7 Days, Quantum Leap,
Alternate Reality, Star Wars, Alternate Reality, etc
Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Fullmetal Alchemist, Saiyuki Reload, Legend of the Galactic Heroes,
The Twelve Kingdoms, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Alternate Reality, etc.
Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Mummy: the Resurrection, Pitfall, Jubei-Chan, Age of Empires, Stronghold, Forgotten Realm, Lost Kingdoms, Age of Wonders, 12Sky,
Shaiya, Wartune, DDTank, Last Kingdoms, Dynasty Warriors, Immortalis, Golden Age, 1100 AD, Age of Conana, Alternate Reality, Mario Brothers,etc
Then Forgotten Kingdoms would have been the Team for YOU!!
The Battleground
Our team is made up of four levels
The Quest
Qualifying/First Level
The Journey
Second Level
The Challenge
Third Level
The Victory
Fourth Level
Once you have gone through these levels you then move on to the Championship Rounds
On all levels you must vote 4 days in order to advance to the next level.
Vote 3 days to stay at your current level (except champ rounds, where you will be returned to the first level).