The job of a Ranger is an easy, but VERY important one! It is the job of the Ranger to recruit new sites for the competition,
making certain that the sites recruited conform to the theme of the competition
The Rangers have probably the best job amongst the various staff positions.
They get to visit beautiful sites on the web and bring them to Mystickal Realms for approval. Each Ranger recruits for all teams on a weekly basis.
They need to visit a minimum of 5 (Five) sites per week and can visit more to earn incentives for themselves.
300 Spirit points
The mandatory 5 sites per week
300 Spirit Points per week.
Each additional site recruited
10 Spirit Points each.
For example:
10 extra sites invited
100 Spirit Points
20 extra sites invited
200 Spirit Points
40 extra sites invited
400 Spirit Points
New Fighter recruited by Ranger
1000 Spirit Points + A Personalized Signature
All in addition to your 300 Spirit Points earned for recruiting the mandatory 5 sites per week.
All Rangers will also be eligible to win the monthly “Recruiting Excellence” award as well!